Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Mod 6 Dq

mod 6 DQ

Q Topic: Spread of Christianity in the 19th Century That historical developments are interwoven with the history and mission of the church was never more evident than in the nineteenth century. 1. Briefly identify at least two major historical events, developments, and/or movements from nineteenth-century Europe. 2. Explain how each of these two events, developments, and/or movements affected the spread of the Gospel message on a global scale. 3. To what extent might we see similar opportunities or obstacles as a result of current events, developments, and/or movements today? Try to expand your thinking globally to include a other parts of the world in addition to your own community or your own country. Use course materials as a basis for your response. If you need additional sources related to missions in this period, you may use some of the articles from Christian History Magazine located at the links below. OPTIONAL additional sources for missions in the 19th century. • William Carey, India • Hudson Taylor, China • African Apostles • Ann and Adoniram Judson, Burma • David Livingstone, Africa • Christianity in India (look for material related to the 1800s)

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The nineteenth-century can definitely be regarded as the cradle of numerous modes of thoughts, movements, developments and historical events which went a long way in shaping the face of the world. Moreover, given the interdependent nature of different aspects of society, some of these developments had a profound influence in contoring institutions like those of religion. In understanding two such crucial movements, which had a profound impact upon the spread of the message of the Gospel, one can look at the forces of conservatism and imperialism.